TENPS Newsletters
19 March 2008
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For current TENPS members only.
August 2008 (536kb)
Coming events
Committee meeting matters
Bushfoods of Arnhem Land
- Ian Morris
Identifying plants
- Marj King
Holmes Jungle field trip report back
My Native Garden - Jane Burford
July 2008 (1.36MB)
Coming events
Committee meeting matters
Black Jungle Spring field trip report back
June 2008 (258kB)
Coming events
Committee meeting matters
What is Global Warming? Climate Change Projections, Impacts for Australia and the NT
- Robin Knox (COOLmob)
May 2008 (909kB)
Coming events
Committee meeting matters
The hill forests of central Indochina
- Dr Don Franklin
McMinns Lagoon - Weeding Citrus gracilis area
April 2008 (486kB)
Coming events
Committee meeting matters
Mangrove Floristics And Diversity - Ecology Of Mangroves
- Dr Kristin Metcalfe
Charles Darwin National Park Field Trip Summary
March 2008 (442kB)
Coming events
Committee meeting matters
Butterflies by day, moths by night
- Dr Michael Braby
Lee Point field trip and species list
February 2008
Coming events
Committee meeting matters
Attracting birds
and other fauna to your garden - Denise Lawungkurr Goodfellow
Fred Pass reserve
Field Trip and species list
Labrynth Project –
Territory Palliative Care
January 2008
Coming events
Committee meeting matters
Annual general
meeting report
Plants (and
animals) I’ve known and loved... - Ian Morris
Robin Falls Field trip
report and species list
Christmas party
Book Review:
Native Plants for
Top End Gardens - Greening Australia
Lost from our
landscape. Threatened species of the Northern Territory - Edited by John
Woinarski, Chris Pavey, Raelee Kerrigan, Ian Cowie & Simon Ward
December 2007
Coming events - TENPS Christmas party
November 2007
Coming events
Committee meeting matters
Escarpment Field trip plant list
Coast, Caves, Clouds and Colours - Dave Liddle
Field trip report
Banka' Jungle
October 2007
Coming events
Committee meeting matters
Field Trip
report from Members Properties at McMinns Lagoon and
Joyce Stobo Library
Monica’s damage still evident
New termite chemical open to misuse
Guidelines for Preparation and Sale of Propagated Plants
September 2007
Coming events
Committee meeting matters
Native plants in
developments: the pitfalls and the triumphs -
Sue Fraser-Adams
Little Mindil
August 2007
Coming events
Committee meeting matters
Book auction
Open Garden
Dr. Dale Dixon’s garden “Gondwana"
Termites -
Dr. Brian Thistleton
July 2007
(646 kb)
Coming events
Committee meeting matters
Effects of cyclone Monica - Dr Garry
Palmerston Walk
Call for volunteers
biodiversity study at Territory
Wildlife Park
June 2007
(961 kb)
Coming events
Committee meeting matters
Plant Propagation Techniques:
May Field Trip
World Environment Day
Gunn Peninsula Site Inspection
23/24 June - Grusha Leeman
quadrilata Survey Arnhemland - Russell Dempster
& Melina McDowell
May 2007
(1.3 Mb)
Coming events
Seed collecting -
Marj King
Field trip report
Fogg Dam - Sally Jacka
April 2007
(250 kb)
Coming events
Committee meeting matters
River PNG - Ian Morris
Field Trip to Charles Darwin National Park:
Nervilea peltata
Survey, 18 March.
Plants that heal,
thrill and kill by Wee Yeow Chin
- Book review Geoff Gaskill
March 2007
(117 kb)
Coming events
Committee meeting matters
Field Trip to weed Microcitrus
Acacia spectra
Ecos article - Denise Goodfellow
February 2007
(404 kb)
Coming events
Committee meeting
Talk on local park
management Kristen Appel, Senior Ranger Parks & Wildlife
Bryce Courtenay’s
pond - Denise Goodfellow
January 2007
Coming events
Christmas party at
Berry Springs
Coolalinga plant
AGM Report
November 2006
(654 kb)
Coming events
Arts and science
combine for wild rice conservation
Aqua Green August
AGM agenda
October 2006 (616 kb)
Coming events
Acacia limbata
Greening Australia URGENT REQUEST
“Gardening and Landscaping/Native Plants in the Top End”
Polygala taxonomy - Raelee Kerrigan
September 2006 (60 kb)
Coming events
Roses are red, violets are blue, grass is green and leaves are too: Except
when they are pink, or blue or red. But why?
Carnivorous plants of the NT
Seek out what makes us unique
August 2006
(194 kB)
Coming events
Aquatic, Horticulture and Ranaculture
TENPS Wetland Wander (May 2006 field trip in Humpty Doo) Species list
Spines, prickles, wire plants, divaricates… how plants defend themselves against
vertebrate browsers
Are you interested accessing, using or contributing to the TENPS Database?
July 2006
(42 kB)
Coming events
June 2006
(453 kB)
Coming events
Wetlands Wander - flowering wetlands near Solar village
Wild Flowers and Forest Giants
What's in flower this time of year
Gardening and Landscaping with NT locals
Environment Day
May 2006
(569 kB)
Coming events
April 2006 Open Garden Scheme Report
Greater Darwin Arterial Roads Landscape Masterplan
Patagonia- Where the forces of Nature are raw & impressive
Some things the Committee has been up to in the last month
World Environment Day Expo
April 2006 (222 kB)
Coming events
Arnhem Land Plateau Vegetation
The Magnificent Araucaria Of New Caledonia
Preliminary Results From The 2005 And 2006 Assessments Of Nervilia Peltata At
Charles Darwin National Park
March 2006 (374 kB)
Coming events
Willie's Open Garden
Speargrass, fuel and fire
Visit to Western Arnhemland
Plant propagation weekend
What’s the TENPS Committee Meeting Up to?
Call for past Newsletters
Native plants of Northern Australia - Ammendments
February 2006 ( 525 kB)
Coming events
Adelaide River Field Trip
The elusive Nervilia peltata
David Liddle talk on Ptychosperma bleerseri
Weeding Citris gracilis
Australia's wattles keep the name Acacia
What was flowering over Christmas holidays
Request from Greening Australia
Helicteres isora and Malvaceae Info web site
December 2005 (1120 kB)
Coming events
Presidents Report to the AGM
Treasurer's Report to the AGM
Plant Taxonomy Part 2
What’s the TENPS Committee up to?
"The Unique Ecosystems of the Arnhem Plateau" by Ian Morris
Favourite Flora from New Zealand
November 2005 (708 kB)
Coming events
Seed Collection and Plant Propagation Workshop
Darwin Palm update
Request for Fairy Garden plants
Constitution Update
Plant Taxonomy
Guidelines for Preparation and Sale of Propagated Plants
What’s in Flower this month?
October 2005 (632 kB)
Coming events
TENPS Constitutional Changes
What’s in Flower this month?
Gudjekbinj Baby Dreaming: Denise Lawungkur Goodfellow
Pandanus Weaving
Strange things on leaves?
Summary Draft Northern Territory Parks & Conservation Masterplan
September 2005 (997kB)
Flora of Namibia
Report from 2005 Tropical Garden Spectacular
Lyons subdivision visit with Landcare
Litchfield Plant ID workshop
What’s in Flower this month? Canthium shultzii, Opilia amentacaea
What’s the TENPS Committee Meeting Up to?
August 2005 (554Kb)
In memory of Joyce Stobo
New Consitution
2005 NT Threatened Species Art and Photography Exhibition
What’s in Flower this month? Calytrix achaeta & Erythina variegata
What’s the TENPS Committee Meeting Up to?
Australian Tropical Rain Forest Plants: Trees, Shrubs and Vines
July 2005 (722 kB)
Life Membership for Joyce Stobo
Future Directions for Landscape Ecology in Northern Australia: Building on the
Lessons from Palms and Termites. Professor David Bowman
Daly Region Community Reference Group: Brief Summary Of The Draft Report Of
November 2004
Itinerary for Plant Identification Workshop, Saturday 30th to Monday 1st
August 2000
Our Garden - Sally Jacka
2005 NT Threatened Species Art and Photography Exhibition
Book Launch - 'A Guide to Threatened, Near Threatened and Data Deficient
Plants in the Litchfield Shire of the Northern Territory'
What’s in Flower this month? Dendrolobuim affine
What’s the TENPS Committee Meeting Up to?
Create a Top End Cottage Garden
Poor recovery of woody vegetation on sand and gravel mines in the Darwin
region of the Northern Territory
Australian Tropical Rain Forest Plants: Trees, Shrubs and Vines
June 2005 (327 kB)
Carbon flux in the Savanna by Lindsay Hutley
Plant sales
Open garden appeal
Megapodius reinwaldt: a bane or a blessing?
What’s in Flower this month? Grevillea aurea & Eucalyptus miniata
What’s the TENPS Committee Meeting Up to?
May 2005 (640kB)
How to Study Seed Germination and The Millennium Seed Bank by Sean Bellairs
Native Garden and Revegetation Works at Darwin Airport
Nervilia peltata Revealed
Morinda citrifolia
What’s in Flower this month?
Meehan's Place
Survival in the Shadows
Friends of Lord Howe Island
What’s the TENPS Committee Meeting Up to? - Oriole Street
April 2005 (963 kB)
Dipodium stenochilum, a ground orchid found in Charles Darwin National
The ecology of Leichhardt's Grasshopper: when life is dependent upon a select
group of plants
What's in flower in April
Wildflower rambles
What's the TENPS Committee up to?
Eucalyptus book review
March 2005 (437 kB)
"Why evergreen in Australian tropical savannas?" Dr Lynda Prior B.Sc.
(Agric) (Hons) PhD
What's flowering in March
My Native Garden - Geoff Gaskell
February 2005 (410kB)
Submission from TENPS to the Draft Integrated Natural Resource Management
Plan for the Northern Territory
2005 Power And Water Environmental Excellence Awards
What's flowering in February
What's the TENPS Committee up to?
January 2005 (1.2MB)
Our Rural Block by Steve Popple
What's flowering in January
December 2004 (677kB)
Goodenia "undescribed"
Streetscapes of Darwin
What's flowering in December
What's the TENPS Committee up to?
Botanical internship
Membership survey results
Fencing Bankers jungle
50th Anniversary of the NT Herbarium
November 2004 (498 kB)
The Daly River
What's flowering in November
Summary from 2004 AGM
Summary from latest committee meeting
My Family
October 2004 (134kB)
Are Australian wattles Acacias? Sean Belairs
Ptychosperma bleeseri Notes from a talk by Dr Dave Liddle by Russell
September 2004 (592kB)
Threatened Species in the NT: August Meeting Report from a talk by Jarrad
2004 Tropical Garden Spectacular Report
August 2004 (110kB)
In Pursuit of Plants: a report on a talk given by Phil Short,
taxonomist with the NT Herbarium
July 2004 (458kB)
News on Citris Gracilis
Report on Daminmin Jungle field trip
General meeting report
Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan for the NT and
Parks & Conservation Masterplan
June 2004 (955 kB)
Cycads with David Liddle Woodland to
Grassland: the future for the Top End: Report on the April talk.
Monitoring of Citris gracilis at Sayer Road: Report on two field trips
Steve Popple Darwin Urban Landcare Extension Officer. Report on talk
Report from Howard River field trip to examine Sand sheet flowers
Botany of Stylidiums or trigger plants
May 2004 (338 kB) plus
May Supplement Woodlands to Grasslands David Liddle April Talk (287
Litchfield National Park Easter trip report
April 2004 (300 kB) plus
April Supplement Nervilia Field Trip in Charles Darwin NP (461
Sayer Rd working bee
March 2004 (148 kB)
Flora of Australia online
In memory of Graham Young
February 2004 (199
Presidents report for 2003
Treasurers report for 2003
Objects of the Top End Native Plant Society.
November 2003 (256
Casuarina Coastal Reserve Field trip report
Life, Mass-flowering and Death in a Long-lived Tropical Bamboo by Don Flanklin
October 2003 (550kB)
Holmes Jungle Field trip report
September 2003
(652 kB)
Seed germination and dormancy of Australian native
plant by Sean Belair
August 2003 (1,119 kB)
A Glimpse Of The Islands of Arnhem Land by Ian
Morris from reported by Russell Dempster
Tropical Gardens Spectacular report
July 2003 (204 kB)
Field trip to Phil Hickey’s block near the
Blackmore River
A 40-year journey of observations on the effect of cyclones, fire, human
disturbance and buffalo by Strider
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